How to Fix Far Cry Stuck on Loading Screen

As many of you know, I regularly make benchmark videos for both Intel HD Graphics 2500 and 4600. While working on a new one for Far Cry, I ran into a frustrating problem. The game kept freezing when I set the lighting details to Very High. I searched forums for a solution for a while but couldn’t find anything that worked. However, after several hours of trying, I finally found the solution and I’m sharing it with you now.

I decided to dig into the game’s configuration files to see if I could find a fix. After some searching, I found a file named system.cfg. In this file, there was a setting called r_ShadersPrecache. By default, it was set to 1. I changed it to 0 like this:

r_ShadersPrecache = "0"

After making this change, the game worked perfectly! I hope this helps if you’re experiencing the same issue.

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